Online training and consultation

At SPI Health and Safety, our primary mission remains: to be the partner of companies that value health and safety in the workplace.

The global health crisis caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) is constantly evolving. We are following the situation closely to support you during these crucial moments and to prepare you for the post-COVID-19 era.

We have concentrated all our efforts to make accessible the information relevant to your realities. Many Canadian companies must maintain their operations, and during this exceptional situation, the health and safety of workers cannot be compromised.

We have adapted our consulting services and training offering to accompany you in your various occupational health and safety projects.

Here are the services we currently offer online:

Our consulting services:

  • Creation and revision of prevention programs and policies
  • Documentation review (format and regulatory requirements)
  • Document management (forms, procedures, records, programs, etc.)
  • Private sessions and personalized follow-ups with OHS experts
  • Virtual support in your risk analyses

Our online training courses:

Lockout key principles

This course provides a better understanding of safe lockout, in compliance with regulations, standards, as well as your procedures.

Fall protection

This course is designed to deepen the participant's knowledge of planning work at height, the components of an effective and functional protection system, as well as the performance of the various types of equipment available, their use, maintenance, and inspection.

Work in confined spaces

This training will enable participants to understand the various elements that allow you to perform work safely in confined spaces in compliance with risk management, regulations, and your internal requirements.

Respiratory protection

The training allows the familiarization with laws, regulations, standards and programs related to respiratory protection. This online course will deepen the participant's knowledge of hazard identification, selection, use, and maintenance of respirators (masks).

DANGER: Energized Electrical Work

With this training, the participant will be able to recognize high-risk situations, apply current regulations and standards, use means to reduce electrical risks, learn and implement the best practices and safety measures when performing energized and de-energized electrical work. This is in compliance with the CSA Z462 standard.

Risk Analysis and Risk Reduction

With this training, the participant will understand the importance of machine safety, the principles of risk analysis and evaluation, the identification of regulations and standards regarding protectors and guards, to understand the hierarchy, selection and use of risk reduction methods. This is in compliance with the CSA Z432 and ISO standards.

We are aware that any exceptional situation requires exceptional measures and constraints. Do not hesitate to contact one of our experts to discuss your needs and to learn more about our customized offer.

Click here to consult our training sessions

Contact us to make an appointment or for any other health and safety needs at 1-877-544-0911.


Contact us to make an appointment or for any other health and safety needs.

1 877-544-0911